Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates 2022-2023

Published on Friday, 20 May 2022 at 12:14:58 PM

Local Government Act 1995 s6.36

The Shire of East Pilbara welcomes the community's feedback on the proposed differential rates and minimum payments on rateable property proposed within the drafting of the Shire’s 2022-23 annual budget. Rates raised are the amount required to fund operational and capital needs after considering all other revenues.

Rating Category

Rate in the dollar

Minimum rates

% Rating Burden

General Rate – Residential




General Rate - Non-residential




General Rate - Transient Workforce Accommodation




UV - Pastoral / Special Lease




UV - Mining / Other




UV-Prospecting *NEW


$  715


Sewerage  *Newman townsite applicable





These amounts are estimates only and may be changed as part of Council’s consideration of any submissions received, plus the Valuer General’s revised property valuations to be effected for commencing in the 2022-2023 financial year. The overall apportionment of the the rating burden across the above property categories is intended to remain consistent. All statutory entitlements in relation to rates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.


For more information a document outlining the Shire’s Objects and Reasons for the proposed differential rates and minimum payments can be viewed at or at the Shire Administration Office or Library, Kalgan Drive Newman, until 20 June 2022.


Comments on the proposed differential rates and minimum payments can be made in writing until 4.30pm Monday, 20 June 2022 online to [email protected] or by mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of East Pilbara, PMB 22, NEWMAN WA 6753 Any enquiries can be made to Steve Leeson, Executive Manager Corporate Services, on 9175 8000.




Chief Executive Officer