Published on Monday, 17 June 2024 at 8:24:47 AM
15 June 2024
Shire of East Pilbara 2024 Youth Hub
The Shire of East Pilbara Council has voted to approve the concept plan for a Youth and Community Hub in Newman.
Councillors voted to endorse the idea at the Ordinary Council Meeting on May 24, with the Shire now seeking funding for construction.
Shire President Anthony Middleton said the East Pilbara shire would also be seeking advocacy and support from the State and Federal Government.
Cr Middelton said the Youth and Community Hub would provide young people with a place to engage in safe and culturally appropriate ways, while offering creative partnerships and integrated services for teens and youth.
“The community hub model focuses on community connection and community-informed service delivery. The hub will co-locate and integrate services within communities to maximise access to supports and increase opportunity. With the design endorsed we are calling on the State and Federal Government to assist to build this much needed community infrastructure.” Cr Middleton said.
“The original motivation to build the Hub was to replace existing community infrastructure with a modern fit for purpose building that provided a centralised access point for members seeking family, children and youth services. It has morphed into a centre that will offer spaces of meaning, cultural inter-connection and pathways to integration.”
Cr Middleton said the Shire was focussed on empowering the community and working together to achieve improved social outcomes for the local community.
“The next steps involve competing a Lottery west application for funds and continuing to research and find what social impact outcomes would be expected from the Hub on its completion. There is a strong focus on preservation of Aboriginal Language which will be a feature of the Library and Youth hub spaces.”
“This is a very exciting step towards offering East Pilbara Youth a space to call their own and take ownership of for many generations.
“The Hub will focus on health and wellbeing, justice and safety, diversion and inclusion and education and learning,” he said.

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