Facilities and Services
Special Events & Bookings
If you are looking for a venue to host a special event, Newman Recreation Centre has a number of different facilities that can accommodate your needs.
Whether you are an individual, a company, a sporting group or school, we can assist you with finding a suitable venue. We also hire equipment and have dedicated staff to help make the process as simple as possible.
If you are planning a public event please complete an Application for Public Event form which can be found in Application and Permits or contact the the Shire Events Team on 9175 8000.
Newman Recreation Centre
Whaleback Arena / Gym 1

Facility Details: Whaleback Arena
Standing Capacity: 300ppl
- Sprung floor (strictly no high heel shoes to be worn on this floor)
- Grandstand seating
- Toilet & shower facilities
- Evaporative air-conditioning
Facility Details: Gym 1 (only available outside School hours)
Standing Capacity: 300ppl
- Toilet & shower facilities (available after 3:30pm weekdays, all day weekends)
- Evaporative air-conditioning
Facility Hire Information
Newman Recreation Centre -Hire Application
Equipment Hire
*if you are a non-profit organisation, based within the Shire of East Pilbara, you may be eligible for in-kind assistance. Please call the Shire Office on 9175 8000 for more information.
Casual Court Hire

Casual Court Hire: $5.80 per entry per person and $4.80 concession rate.
If you would like to book a court, please call Reception on 9177 8075