Local Planning Strategy

Shire of East Pilbara Local Planning Strategy

The Shire of East Pilbara Local Planning Strategy was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 26 July 2021.

Local Planning Strategy

What is a local planning strategy?

A local planning strategy is a strategic land use planning document that:

  • sets out the long-term land use planning directions for the Shire;
  • applies State and regional planning policy relevant to the Shire; and
  • provides the rationale for any zoning or classification of land under a future local planning scheme to replace Town Planning Scheme No.4 gazetted in 2005.

What does the Local Planning Strategy do?

The purpose of the Shire's Strategy is to:

  • establish a vision for the Shire;
  • coordinate the existing plans and strategies that have been developed for the Region and the Shire;
  • identify issues and constraints for the future development of the Shire and propose strategies to address them;
  • review existing land use and development appropriateness based on strategic planning recommendations; and
  • identify future growth areas.

The strategy identifies the likely growth trends that the Shire will face and then identified the land and infrastructure requirements needed over time to accommodate this growth.

Why does the Shire need a Local Planning Strategy?

It is a requirement of the Planning and Development Regulations 2015 for every local government to prepare a local planning strategy before preparing a new local planning scheme. The strategic direction set by the strategy is used to identify the zoning and classification of land in the subsequent scheme.

What is the difference between a Local Planning Strategy and a Local Planning Scheme?

The strategy sets the long-term development direction for the Shire. It does not zone land or place controls on the use and development of land. In comparison, a local planning scheme (formerly known as a town planning scheme) does place statutory controls over land.

A local planning strategy is the first step towards creation of a new local planning scheme. The directions set in the strategy are implemented by the scheme through the application of zones and reserves.

The strategy focuses future land development on Newman, why?

Although we are Australia’s largest local government area, our population is centred on a very few settlements with Newman far and away the largest one. The strategy has identified that focussing on Newman as the economic hub of the Shire makes the best use of existing and future resources. While Marble Bar and Nullagine will continue to be important to the Shire’s overall settlement pattern, they are not expected to grow dramatically over time. Instead, the focus will be on ensuring the land use controls that are in place over the smaller towns provide flexibility to allow for small businesses to operate and provide local goods and services.